
Showing posts from October, 2022

Pumpkin F-U-N!!! 🎃

  Thursday and Friday were all about pumpkins!  On Thursday, the kids did a pumpkin investigation.  They illustrated their pumpkin, measured the height and counted the lines in their pumpkin.  We also made predictions if a pumpkin could float or sink.  On Friday, the kids got creative and painted their pumpkins!  I loved how different each pumpkin turned out and the pride the kids took in painting them. I will be sending the pumpkins home on Monday. Enjoy the pictures!     


  Since we just met last week for conferences, I do not have a lot to share with the "goings on" in kindergarten.  However, I do have several adorable pictures that I wanted to post for you to enjoy.  You'll see the kids working on their "Apple Observations," participating in "game day" and some cute recess pictures. Enjoy!    

Fall Fun! 🍁

  This week we spent some time enjoying some of the special treats that fall brings. We started the week talking about apples. We read books about apples and did a couple apple related activities.  We ended the week with the best fall observation walk!  I took the kids to my favorite maple tree and with clipboards in hand, the kids spent time enjoying the leaves, studying the bark on the tree and then illustrated what they saw.  It was definitely the highlight of the our week!  Their observations and pure curiosity was just adorable! In literacy I introduced 3 new word wall words:  I, a, see .  I am using a lot of repetition and exposure when introducing new words.  The kids are building a little book collection in their book boxes.  I am working hard to instill the importance of pointing to each word as they read.  Speaking of reading...ask your child about the difference between echo reading and choral reading.   We've been doing a lot of both lately!   This week I read a story