Welcome to Kindergarten!




Fall 2022 

Hello Students and Families! 

    It is finally time for kindergarten!!  🎉 I am so excited to get to know all of you and hear about your summer adventures. My favorite activity I did with my family was visit lots of different beaches and take hikes with our dogs.  My two kids are also getting ready for school.  My son Matthew is 18 years old and will be heading off to Bates College in the fall….I haven’t quite wrapped my head around that yet!  Emma is 14 years old and is heading into 9th grade.   Mr. Fox is also getting ready for school, he is a middle school teacher in Falmouth!

To my students, I have been spending a lot of time getting our classroom ready.  We will spend plenty of time getting to know each other, our classroom and Village School. Our first study will be the beautiful monarch butterfly!  It will be fun to learn about the life cycle of a butterfly.

Open House will be Wednesday, August 31.  You are welcome to come and visit the classroom between 5:30-6:00 and then join Ms. Mezzanotte and Mrs. Fotter on the playground from 6:00-6:30. If your child’s classroom supplies are ready,  you are welcome to drop them off at Open House. Please label your child’s headphones, you will not need to label anything else as the supplies will become part of the classroom collection.

The first month is always exhausting and often overwhelming for the students and myself! My favorite part of teaching is watching the children become independent, confident little people.  I know it will be rewarding for you, as well! 

Being a mom, I understand the feeling many of you must have about sending your child off to school for the first time. I will do everything I can to make sure your child is comfortable and successful in kindergarten. 

Throughout the year I will be sharing information as well as pictures on our classroom blog.

I look forward to seeing you soon!

Love, ❤️

Mrs. Fox



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