Happy Friday! 🎉

 I apologize for the photo dump but....these kids are so darn cute!  We had a great week and continue to work on building stamina and routines.  It is A LOT of information for kindergarteners!  

This week we started learning about the life cycle of a butterfly.  On Wednesday, we watched one of our monarch caterpillars transform from hanging in a "J" to a bright green chrysalis!  We hope to see a Monarch butterfly in about 10 days!  I introduced a song called "Monarch Song" and we practiced it several days.  The kids got a copy of the song and did a wonderful job coloring the pictures.  I sent home their own copies and would love for them to sing it to you.  They may need a little help remembering the words...it goes to the tune of; "I'm a Little Teapot."

In the next few weeks we will be reviewing letters and sounds.  This week we reviewed R and will continue through the alphabet (it will not be taught in ABC order). 

We ended today with pattern block explorations.  I was VERY impressed with how well the kids identified the shapes as well as describing their attributes.  Next week we will be looking at sorting objects according to different attributes.

I want to THANK YOU so much for preparing your child each day for school. You have all earned a gold start from me!  :)  There hasn't been one day where a child has been unsure of their lunch choice or snack options.  You communication with them has been just perfect!  ❤️


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