Quick Update

Last week was BUSY!!! We started with bowling, mid week we had NWEA testing and we ended it some VERY frigid weather! On Friday, I sent home lots of papers, including a class list for Valentine's, a story and poem to practice reading and an activity for the 100th Day.  I realize that the "due" date for the 100th Day activity was not included as it's always subject to change due to snow days.  As of now, our 100th Day of school is scheduled for February 14th!  I would like for the 100 items to come to school no later than this Friday, February 10th.  I will have all the different items on display the following week and will send them back home before February break.

The pictures I am including today are all about fun!  Mr. Speed was kind enough to open up the gym for us to use during frigid Friday!  The kids had a blast and I loved watching them play together as a group.  





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